Grainger County 计划委员会
Land subdivision is the first step in the process of community development. The Grainger County 计划委员会 has adopted subdivision regulations under authority granted by TCA Sections 1303-401 through 13-3-411. Subdivision regulations cover all lands of Grainger County except for those lands within city or town limits of Bean Station, 布莱恩和拉特利奇.
Subdivision regulations have the following major objectives: (1) to provide for the harmonious development of the county, (2) to provide adequate streets and roads for traffic and (3) to secure adequate provisions for storm 水 runoff, 饮用水, sewer and other sanitary facilities.
The law provides for an odd number of planning commission members who are appointed by the County 市长 with the consent of the 县委员会. Planning commission members are selected as evenly as possible from each voting district. Current planning Commission members include, 菲尔·坎特维尔, 大卫长, 鲍勃·科菲, 蒂娜弗莱, 瑞奇·威廉姆斯, Ray Nicely and Joe Stansberry. Each member serves a six-year term of office.
Anyone within Grainger County who divides large tracts of land into smaller parcels greater than 5-acres in size whether for building purposes or not, or who subdivides land into tracts less than 5-acres in size, or changes the size or shape of existing lots is affected by the regulations. A preliminary or final plat must be submitted to the planning commission and the developer must obtain final approval prior to filing the subdivision plat for recording. Preliminary or final subdivision plats must be drawn by a licensed land surveyor.
Plats with all tracts larger than 5-acres in size are not considered subdivisions by TCA and do not require final approval by the planning commission. But the plat must be reviewed and signed by the secretary of the planning commission prior to recording. A proposed subdivision with some lots larger than 5-acres and some lots less than 5-acres must come before the planning commission for final approval before the secretary signed the final plat. A plat with all lots less than 5-acres must come for final approval.
Small lots have size restrictions: (1) lots with 水 and sewer have a minimum size of 10,000平方英尺. (2) lots with 水 but not sewer must have a minimum size of 20,000平方英尺 to allow for subsurface sewage dispersal and (3) lots without 水 or sewer must have a minimum size of 30,000平方英尺 to allow for a well and its required setback from a septic tank and a subsurface sewage dispersal area. In addition to these lot size restrictions, there are others, which can affect lot layout
Preliminary plats are required whenever infrastructure must be extended, 比如水管, or when streets will be constructed or when there will be more than two lots. When the planning commission approves a preliminary plat, the developer can proceed with extending 水 lines or building streets. The extension and cost of streets, 电气线路, 水, 消防栓, telephone and cable installation is the responsibility of the developer.
A final plat is presented to the planning commission after all infrastructure has been installed including approval for a subsurface sewage disposal site on each lot. On the final plat there are several certificates that must be signed showing that the new or extended infrastructure has been approved.
The Grainger 计划委员会 generally meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Justice Center circuit courtroom. At least four copies of preliminary and final plats must be at the 市长’s office at least 10 days before the planning commission meets in order to be placed on the agenda.
Copies of the Subdivision Regulations of Grainger County, Tennessee are available at the 市长’s office or on-line at?
June 2024 – 计划委员会 Meeting Agenda
Click above for a printable version of RV Regulations passed by 县委员会
决议7.3.23A – Prohibitions of 首页less Shelters, Pain Clinics etc.
Click above for a printable version of 决议7.3.23A – Prohibitions of 首页less Shelters, Pain Clincs, Etc.
Click above for a printable version of Grainger County’s Subdivision Regulations.